Tuesday, September 4, 2007

2 more LODD's

Two more brothers die in the line of duty, and as I think about them, I can only wonder what their day must have been like before this tragic event occured.

They both probably woke up that morning with plans for the day. Maybe working a part-time job, doing some work around the house, or spending some time with the family. Eventually they would have to kiss and hug their wives and children good-bye, and go to work for their evening shifts at the fire hall. Once there, they would gather their personal gear and place it on the apparatus, and systematically check the equipment on the rigs to ensure that everything was ready for whatever lies ahead of them during the shift. Coffee is made, supper is prepared, a few of the world problems are solved at the kitchen table, and someone is probably the butt of a good joke (sorry junior guy). Than the tones go out for a possible building fire in their first due district, and everything is placed on pause at the station until this 911 emergency is taken care of. Neither one had any idea they wouldn't be returning to the station to finish their supper, greet the oncoming shift the next morning, or once again, kiss and hug their wives and children.
This can happen to anyone of us.

Our thoughts amd prayers go out to the families of Brothers Payne and Cahill, and to the Boston fire Dept, where their presence will be forever missed.

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