Monday, December 15, 2008

Ice storm

Beginning late Thursday evening, and on into the early hours of Friday, an ice storm came through the northeast, covering everything with ice. Some areas had as much as a 1/2 inch. Everything from trees to power lines and poles were falling, creating a mess. An estimated 450,000 residents lost there power, and as of today, three days later, there are still a couple hundred thousand residents still powerless.

Between midnight and 7 a.m., battalion 2 responded to 24 bells, and when battalion 3 releived them we answered another 41 from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Oddly enough, there were very few mvc's. A majority of the calls were for wires down, transformers burning, and water in the basement. I think the two day total for responses from the storm are somewhere around 150. I didn't get any pictures, but WMUR 9 news has a slide show with some very impressive photos. Here is the link

If you have any pictures, please forward them to me, and Iwill post them on here.

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